High density guava plantation is give less crop than low density planting. Detailed economic information will be discussed in the economics of high density apple production section. Pine apple soil, climate, planting, high density planting, nutrient and water management, special cultural operations, pests and diseases and management practices 7475 production technology of fruit crops. Abstract high density management and crop regulation are two important aspects in guava psidium guajava l. Guava farming project report, cost and profit analysis.
Guava is the important fruitcrop, which is cultivated in subtropical and tropical climates of the country due to the hardy nature and prolific bearing even in marginal lands. From a historical perspective, a high density orchard is defined as any orchard with more than 150180 trees per acre. Hdp is defined as planting at a density in excess of that which gives maximum crop yield at maturity if the individual tree grows to its full natural size. One such strategy was the high density plantation hdp. Flesh of fruit is of red color with pleasant flavour. The leaves of jackfruit are favourite feed for goats. Mango soil, climate, planting, high density planting, nutrient and water management, intercropping, offseason production. High density guava plantation and cultivation agri farming. Division of crop production, icar central institute for. High density apple orchard management nc state extension. In other words, it is the planting of more number of. Fruits is of medium to large size with attractive skin color, gives golden yellow color in summer season.
Jul 20, 2018 when high density farming is undertaken with a top grade variety of guava, then the returns are even higher and also the produce is obtained early. A total of 10 acres was planted using this innovative cultivation technique promoted by jain irrigation. It was introduced in india in the seventeen century. Guava high density farming in pakistan pakistan defence. Jul 18, 2016 finally, you can adopt a high density planting method to get maximum yield. Hdp is defined as planting at a density in excess of that. Control of pests and diseases, weeds and pruning of tree canopy can be carried out by. Skin blackening is a problem when some wax coatings are applied mcguire and hallman,1995. The area under guava cultivation in india increased by 64% from 94 thousand ha. Farmers take to ultrahigh density cashew farming the hindu. Originally, jackfruit is a native of india and presently cultivated throughout the tropical low land in both the hemispheres. Israeli technology increases guava yield allahabad news. Mango, guava, litchi and most of the other fruit crops in india.
Guava production in georgia under coldprotection structure. The practical demonstration of this project being done by a progressive farmer in mian channupunjab. High density management and crop regulation are two important aspects in guava psidium guajava l. High density planting delayed the emergence of flowering, shortened the flowering period and reduced the fruit set. The major production areas for blueberry, raspberry, and blackberry plants in high density plantings and tunnel growing growing in greenhouses are located in latitudes in the northern and southern hemispheres at 27 degrees latitude to north and south to. The lower plant population results in the spread of crown, while higher planting density causes erect growth of branches making the plant tall and compact. High density planting in guava international society for. Discover how to start a papaya plantation and grow papaya for profit. Guava is native to tropical america where it occurs wild. Generally, in ultra high density plantation, a rowtorow distance of 2 meter and planttoplant distance of 1 meter is followed.
Commercial growers can follow the high density planting method to achieve higher yields in guava cultivation. Production guide for guava bureau of plant industry. Well drained soils are the best suited for guava cultivation. Thus, the young plants are frequently damaged by stray goats and cattle unless adequately protected by providing gabions for about two years. Scope and importance of fruit cultivation, nutritional, commercial, industrial and medicinal importance of fruit crops. Loans and subsidies for guava farming project telangana government is giving subsidy to guava farmers depending on the spacing between the plants and their adopted methods of cultivation which is.
Sep 11, 2016 training of guava one year plants pruning. Ultra high density planting for higher productivity in guava. Pdf intensive fruit cultivation technology of citrus fruits. Production technology of fruit crops pdf book agrimoon. Hidensity hitech guava fruit cultivation for high income in short period published on december 10, 2016 december 10, 2016 37 likes 9 comments. In this article we will learn about jackfruit plantation. Pdf intensive fruit cultivation technology of citrus.
Finally, you can adopt a highdensity planting method to get maximum yield. The average yield of l49 or sardar variety amongst guava growers is 175 quintals per ha. Under the ultra high density method, the mango trees will be planted closer together with lesser space left than in the high density and normal method of cultivation. Tree growth was significantly influenced by different tree densities. Papaya, also known as pawpaw is a delicious fruit rich in vitamin c. Some of the commercialhybrid varieties do very well. High density planting causes erect growth of branches making the plant tall. High density of guava farminghigh density guava cultivation. Below is a list top 10 hybrid mango varieties which are the sweetest mango in the world.
Ultra high density planting forhigher productivity in guava dois. The guava cultivation is predominantly grown under light to medium soils that faces various problems like poor flowering, poor fruit size and quality. Mango major problems, physiological disorders, pests and diseases and integrated management practices. An increase in plant density from 278 to 1600 ha 1 was found to decrease the yield from 36. High density planting technique is a modern method of litchi cultivation involving planting of litchi trees densely, allowing small or dwarf trees with modified canopy for better light interception and distribution and ease of mechanised field operations. It can be grown up to an altitude of 1515 m above mean sea level.
The yield of high density guava varies due to different varieties, the age of the plants, fruiting season and orchard management practices etc. This called high density planting and ultra high density planting. Allahabad safeda were planted in september 1998 at 1. Conventional planting of blueberry, raspberry, blackberry a. Guava is an important fruit crop in tropical and subtropical regions of the country due to the hardy nature of its tree and prolific bearing even in marginal lands. Guava high density farming in pakistan this video contains best practices of high density farming of guava fruit with minimum cost of 50,000 per acre and gaining rs. Papaya can be cultivated for vegetable, fruit, latex and dry leaves. High density orcharding and canopy management in guava. High density planting in guava request pdf researchgate. In according to the climatic conditions, lots of mangoes type are present in the world.
Pant prabhat under doublehedge row system of planting during 200910 and 201011. It claims to be the most important fruit in area and production after mango, jackfruit, guava and. Pruning for crop regulation in high density guava psidium. The objective was to study the influence of three selective levels of. Weeding and cultivation shallow cultivation around the base of the plant is recommended to prevent root injury. It should be 2 meters x 1 meter for planting with ultrahigh density.
Seedling tree of guava of 10 years old yields about 400500 fruits. However, many highly productive commercial orchards today have 150180 trees per acre and higher density could be anything over 180 trees per acre. Sep 02, 2017 published on 2 september 2017 in this video you can learn new technique for planting guava. Mango farming process, production guide, profit and tips 2018. High density and meadow orcharding of guava guava is an important fruit crop in regions to the hardy of its in inputs.
In meadow orchard, a bed of 10 to 15 rows is closely 30x45cm planted an alley of 2. Less land and traditional citrus cultivation practice result low production as well as productivity especially in developing. We started our mango planting on oct 11, 2011 and once again the sun god was cooperative enough to make the process fairly comfortable. Irrigation while guava can tolerate dry spell, supplementary irrigation during prolonged dry periods is desirable to provide adequate water supply for the growing guava tree. High density dashehari trees 33ha yielded 238 tha fruits 11. Commercial guava farming information guide for beginners. In areas with distinct winter season, the yield tends to increase and quality improves. Similar results under high density planting of kinnow mandarin.
Farmers take to ultrahigh density cashew farming the. The farmers are using various technologies like use of micro irrigation and use of water soluble fertilizers. With the ease of modern farming technology, farmers can adopt plantation with highdensity planting method and ultrahighdensity planting method. Allahabad, lucknow 46, 49, arka amulya, arka mridula, banaras, baptla, arka kiran, lalit and try g1 are the suitable varieties for cultivation.
Therefore, to find out the economic way of managing high density planting and crop regulation, the present work was carried out on 6yearold guava trees of cv. Flowers in guava are borne on current seasons growth so carry out light annual pruning and remove upto 10cm tip, it will encourage new shoots after harvesting. High density planting can be practiced in lighter and poorer soils. Reportedly, consumption of guava fruit reduces serum cholesterol levels, triglycerides and hypertension while increasing the level of good cholesterol high density lipoprotein. Effect of pruning techniques on yield in high density planting of. Recently, there is a trend to plant fruit trees at closer spacing leading to high density or meadow orchard. When ultra closer planting of apple is done accommodating about 70,000 trees per hectare and harvesting is done by moving around the orchard, the planting is often referred as meadow orchard or meadowgrassland or ultra highdensity orchard or meadow system. Guava farming project report, cost and profit analysis agri. Ultra high density planting of mango introduced in district. Oct 15, 2011 ultra high density mango uhd planting complete. Vittappa, a farmer from honnali taluk of davangere district, said that he took up highdensity cashew planting with a spacing of 5 metres x 5 metres on 1. Pdf effect of different spacing on newly planted guava cv.
Nowadays, farmers follow the high density guava plantation hdp along with appropriate plant density, use of quality planting material, canopy management in the field, support, pruning and farm management skills with appropriate inputs to obtain an excellent yield from guava cultivation. Dec 10, 2016 hidensity hitech guava fruit cultivation for high income in short period published on december 10, 2016 december 10, 2016 37 likes 9 comments. All these were prepared for highyielding mango fruit production. Jun 28, 2016 guava is an important fruit crop in tropical and subtropical regions of the country due to the hardy nature of its tree and prolific bearing even in marginal lands. You can consider to buy grafted jackfruit plant here.
Certain important strategies had also been identified for enhancing the quality of guava production in order to make it competitive in the world market, which involved the adoption of the modern, innovative and hitech methods. Successful guava cultivation is grown under tropical and subtropical climate. High density planting pioneered for temperate fruits in europe. Jun 18, 2015 under the ultra high density method, the mango trees will be planted closer together with lesser space left than in the high density and normal method of cultivation.
Dwarf variety with round crown and spreading branches. High density of guava farming paadi pantalu duration. The total area under guava cultivation in india had increased quite significantly from the midnineties. Apr 28, 2016 generally, in ultra high density plantation, a rowtorow distance of 2 meter and planttoplant distance of 1 meter is followed. High density planting reduces total soluble solids, sugars and ascorbic acid but increase irritable acidity. High density planting hdp is a highly efficient and advanced production system of fruit cultivation.
Published on 2 september 2017 in this video you can learn new technique for planting guava. Tree growth was significantly influenced by different tree densities when measured in october 2004, 6 years after planting. The present investigation entitled assessment of spacing and fertigation schedule of guava psidium guajava l. Planting of fruit trees closer rather than conventionally recommended spacing using special orchard management techniques with the objective to get maximum productivity without compromising quality is termed highdensity planting. Guava grows well both in wet and dry regions but it does better under irrigation in the dry tracts. Singh and others published high density planting in guava find, read and cite all the research you need on.
When high density farming is undertaken with a top grade variety of guava, then the returns are even higher and also the produce is obtained early. Papaya cultivation in india is a very profitable and relatively safe agriculture business. Fruit is smooth, round and flesh is of white color with pleasant flavor. Jun 19, 2014 vittappa, a farmer from honnali taluk of davangere district, said that he took up high density cashew planting with a spacing of 5 metres x 5 metres on 1. High yield and good fruit quality can be achieved with a high density orchard in guava when the orchard has good light distribution throughout the tree canopy and there is a. The cultivation of guava in and around the city has seen a multifold increase with the introduction of an israeli technique of orchard farming. The meadow orchard is a modern method of fruit cultivation. Jackfruit artocarpus heterophyllus is one of the most remunerative and important fruits of india. Guava is rich source of vitamin c, vitamin a, vitamin b2 riboflavin and minerals like calcium, phosphate and iron. The total pectin content of guava fruit is in the range of 0.
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